N.S.R Wharf New Fisheries Harbour Mangalore – 575001
E-mail : marinecrafts@yahoo.co.in
Date of Birth : 20.01.1935
Fathers Name : Late Sri Rama Kodikanda
Qualifications :
In 1960, mechanised boats were introduced for the first time for fishing in Karnataka State. From 1963, I took an active role and responsibility during this initial phase of large scale mechanization programs. I have successfully organized, developed, and designed workshops, service stations, boat building yards, and industrial stores. In the course of 6 years, I was able to arrange the construction of 310 mechanised boats at the federation. I am also credited for delivering 100 mechanised boats in a record period of one year under the Agriculture Refinance Corporation Scheme. I was also instrumental in setting up workshops and service stations at Mangalore, Malpe, and Gangolli for the federation. Today, I look back with pride towards my small contribution to the mechanized fishing industry of the state.
The experience and knowledge gained at the Federation in the field of mechanized fishing vessel was extremely beneficial. I realised the potential for mechanisation of marine fishing craft in the state, and in 1973, I started my own Boat Building Yard as a small-scale industrial unit. Moreover, I started the industry from scratch, relying on friends for funding and materials. I am extremely grateful for the financial aid, materials, and moral support received from my well-wishers.
Since 1973, I have designed and improved models, and built over 350 mechanised fishing boats, ranging from 20 feet to 60 feet in length, suitable for foreshore and deep sea fishing. I have also designed and built small fibreglass mechanised crafts for marine and inland navigation.
Due to the reliable services rendered to various public and private institutions in and outside Karnataka, today my Boat Building Yard is well recognized by the customs department, New Mangalore Port Trust, Karnataka Power Corporation, Coast Guard, College of Fisheries, and Fisheries Development Corporation. In addition to the Boat Building Yard, I have two Marine Crafts spare parts stores to serve the customers. I have served the fishing community with what little I could to ameliorate their condition and I am proud of my contribution.
Marine Crafts And Equipments in Bunder has a wide range of products and services to cater to the varied requirements of their customers. The staff at this establishment are courteous and prompt at providing any assistance.
+91 9880312588
New South Reclamation Wharf, Fisheries Harbour, Mangalore - 575001
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